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本網站參考時間:臺灣標準時間TST(GMT +08:00)
Following is a moment-tensor solution derived from inversion of
BroadBand waveforms. An image file containing all the used waveforms
and misfit distribution with respect to depth.
If you have any questions, please contact seismological center of CWA.
CWA Early Automatic Report (EAR) :
Origin Time : 2023 10 14 7:53:29.00 (UT)
Hypocenter : 23.91 N 122.31 E 7.18 km
ML : 5.31
CWA moment-tensor solution :
-2.3256571 -1.4472511 3.2598994
-1.4472511 0.4134986 -0.9994676 x 1E+16 Nt-m
3.2598994 -0.9994676 1.9121584
Centroid depth : 25 km
Mw : 5.02
Azgap : 271.07
Average MISFIT : 0.436 (The fit is good )
Best double couple solutions :
nodal plane(1) strike/dip/slip: 323.82/29.29/ 148.80
nodal plane(2) strike/dip/slip: 81.66/75.32/ 64.37
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